What goes on a Pagan altar?

I am an eclectic kitchen witch, practicing for over 20 years. Pagan altars change with the season or moon phase, and are quite personal in design. We fill our altars with figures and symbols that connect us to our deities.
I have been called by Gaia, more commonly known as Mother Earth, so my altars often depict life and nature; small potted plants are perfect for this. I have a statue of Gaia that was gifted to me by my husband on our honeymoon, almost 16 years ago. I always incorporate her into my altars, even if the season’s focus is on another deity. While Beltane is right around the corner, the next full moon is even closer, and according to NASA, we will see this super-moon between April 26th and 27th. This would be the perfect time to charge your stones on your altar and create some super-moon water. As well as my go-to deity, this month’s altar would be best adorned with images of Demeter, Pan, Adonis, or Eros, as they all portray springtime, rebirth and fertility.
Pastel pinks, blues, pale greens and even yellows are all great colors to use in your springtime altar. I light a few candles, each representing a different goal that I’d like to accomplish, or a spell that I am casting. Generally while I am casting, I use 5 candles at a time, but as a regular daily altar, one white candle anointed with intentions is all that is needed.
Chalice and Offering
This is a time for rebirth, and we see that in all the flowers and new growth bursting forth. The faeries are all around and bursting with energy to help in the garden. I have fun working alongside them and taking their advice on things I can do to enhance my gardens. While they don’t talk directly to me, they do find ways to make their advice known, and I’d be rude to not use the knowledge they offer. Each year, my garden gets better, and to show my appreciation, I leave some offerings out for them around the garden, as well as on my altar.
An altar is a personal experience, it’s more than just putting out a dish of milk and burning some incense. Each altar is set up with love and intent, and may be re-done multiple times before it feels just right. Add some sprigs of your favorite fresh herbs, or a few flowers you have picked from your yard. Charged stones that represent the altar theme, are always a great addition. Many pagans also include their pestle and mortar as well as their athame, but I only bring those out if my casting requires them.
Pagan altars don’t have to be large, and they don’t have to be like anyone else’s. Remember, your intentions are going to play an important role in how you set up your sacred space.